Products & Services

Gift Packs ~ Our signature product

Our Gift Packs are given in conjunction with our Wellbeing Email and SEL Group Programs (see below). Our Gift Packs are tailored to our clients’ unique identity, interests and needs, including food and chemical allergies and sensory sensitivities. Gift Packs contain a variety of calming activities, healthy snacks, delicious treats, self-care goodies and information designed to support physical, social and emotional wellbeing. (Please note: the specific contents of each Gift Pack varies. The sample shown is designed for an adolescent identifying as female.)

Email Program

Our 10 x weekly interactive emails contain fun, healthy and thought-provoking strategies to further support individuals with managing their own physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Strategies focus on the benefit of movement, calming activities and social connection for nervous system regulation and wellbeing. Topics include: Have Fun!, Reduce Stress, Connect, Balance, Gratitude and Giving. The language and graphics in our Emails are tailored to our clients’ unique identities. (Please note: the sample shown is part of Week #1 “Have Fun!” for adolescents). All emails have short weekly surveys to maximise emotional processing and wellbeing benefits. This data, along with program evaluations, are also used to evaluate and report program outcomes to stakeholders.

Our Email Program also includes 6 x 1 hour, fortnightly online support sessions. These highly interactive and experiential sessions involve learning about various Wellbeing concepts, practicing a variety of calming activities, and Q&A to support individuals’ wellbeing.

SEL Group Program

Our Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Program has strong foundations in the;

  • ACF – SPACE Principles Trauma-informed practices in schools
  • ACARA – Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum
  • ARACY – Common Approach Wellbeing Wheel
  • Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics
  • CASEL – SEL Core Competencies and Skills

Our SEL group Program is grounded in neurobiology, and the benefit of social connection and somatosensory activities for brain organisation and functioning, and regulation of the nervous system. This SEL program specifically aims to help students;

  • increase their awareness and management of their autonomic nervous system stress responses
  • practice a variety of somatosensory activities designed to optimise nervous system regulation, and brain organisation and functioning
  • develop a ‘personalised toolkit’ of activities suited to their unique needs, interests and circumstances

Importantly, practical strategies include discrete options suited to a quiet setting, such as a classroom.

The program can be delivered in-person or online, ensuring equitable access to the program for remote students or during interruptions to onsite learning.

© 2022 Kim Vanderwiel