WJFC Wellbeing Survey – Parents/Carers

Your personal information in this survey is PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, and will only be seen by Practical Wellbeing Institute (PWI) research staff.
Survey information reported to Wesburn Junior Football Club (WJFC) will remain ANONYMOUS, unless you request specific personal wellbeing support from WJFC.
Please answer as many questions, and as honestly, as you can, so that WJFC can offer helpful wellbeing support to you and your family.
The survey should only take a few minutes, and needs to be finished all in 1 sitting. If you get an error message “form unable to submit” your survey has timed-out – please refresh your browser and start again.
Thankyou for taking the time to support WJFC.

WJFC aims to support the holistic wellbeing of their community - including physical, social, emotional, financial, cultural and spiritual aspects

*****If you have EVER BEEN a volunteer at WJFC, please continue to Question #27

*****If you have NOT ever been a volunteer at WJFC, please skip to Question #35

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Qn #30 - I got enough training to perform well in my role
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Qn #31 - I got enough ongoing support to perform well in my role
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Qn #32 - I felt overwhelmed at times in my role
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Qn #33 - I would consider volunteering again at WJFC
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

Qn #35 - If you would like any specific personal wellbeing support from WJFC, please tell us your name, phone number, and type of support needed. This information will be forwarded directly to the WJFC executive committee.

*****If you would like to go into the draw to win a $50 gift card in time for Christmas, please fill in your name and phone number above

© 2022 Kim Vanderwiel